If you are looking for aquarium plants that can grow without substrate then you are at the right place.
In this article, I am going to show you the plants that you can keep in your bare bottom tank.
So let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Best Aquarium Plants That Don’t Need Substrate
1. Hornwort
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PLANT | Hornwort |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Anthocerotophyta |
pH | 6.0-7.5 |
HARDNESS | 5-15 dGH |
PLACEMENT | Background |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 10 foot |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 15 gallons |
Hornwort is a tall, stem plant that can grow up to 10 feet.
It is a very popular plant in the aquarium hobby because it is one of the best oxygenating plants.
This plant can tolerate a wide range of water parameters which makes it ideal for beginners.
It is a fast-growing plant and it is very easy to care for.
How much light does it require?
The growth of hornwort is dependent on light.
Basically the more the light it gets the faster it grows and greener it gets.
This plant doesn’t require a lot of light. But for optimum growth of hornwort, you should provide it at least a moderate lighting.
Also, make sure that it is not in shade.
Checkout our lighting recommendation
What’s the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
As Hornwwort is a tall stem plant that can grow as tall as 10 feet you should keep it in the background of your aquarium.
How to keep it in the aquarium?
Hornwort doesn’t come with true roots.
You can use its leaves to anchor it to any ornament or driftwood and then put it inside the aquarium.
You can also let it float in your aquarium.
Ideal water parameters
Hornwort can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.
That being said, the ideal temperature for the proper growth of hornwort is from 59 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 6-7.5.
And the hardness tolerance range is from 5 to 15 dGH.
Fertilization requirement
The reason behind the fast growth of hornwort is that it has allelopathic abilities which basically allows it to release certain chemicals that prevent the growth of other plants in its surroundings.
So the hornwort can get all the available nutrients.
If you have any other plants in your aquarium then you should regularly add fertilizers for their growth.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
12 Benefits of Live Plants in an Aquarium (Pros and Cons)
2. Java Moss
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PLANT | Java moss |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Vesicularia dubyana |
FAMILY | Hypnaceae |
CARE LEVEL | Very easy |
pH | 5.0 to 8.0 |
HARDNESS | 60- 240 ppm |
PLACEMENT | Foreground |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 4 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 5 gallon |
Java Moss is one of the easiest plants to grow in the aquarium hobby.
This plant is very undemanding when it comes to lighting and water quality.
This plant is very popular in aquascaping.
And it is also very popular among breeders because it provides protection for eggs and fry.
How much light does it require?
Java Moss can survive in almost any lighting condition
You can keep it in both, very low light conditions and in very high light conditions.
The problem with keeping this plant in a very high light condition is that it may cause algae growth.
What’s the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
There are several ways you can keep Java Moss in your aquarium depending on the athletic you are going for in your aquarium.
The simplest way is to just let it float in your aquarium.
You can also attach it to any ornament or driftwood in your aquarium with a string.
Or you can use it as a carpet plant.
Ideal water parameters
Java Moss can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.
That being said, the ideal temperature for the proper growth of Java Moss is between 59 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 5 to 8.
And it prefers soft water.
Fertilization requirements
Java Moss can grow without any fertilizers.
But if you want to speed up its growth, you can supplement it with some fertilizers.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
6 Tips to Take Care of Live Plants in Aquarium
3. Java Fern
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PLANT | Java Fern |
COMMON NAMES | Java Fern |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Microsorum pteropus |
FAMILY | Polypodiaceae |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT | Low to Moderate |
GROWTH RATE | Low to Moderate |
pH | 6.0-7.5 |
HARDNESS | 60-160 ppm |
PLACEMENT | Mid to Background |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 13.5 inches |
Java fern is another popular plant in the aquarium hobby.
It is a tall stem plant that can grow up to 13 inches.
This plant is very easy to maintain and it can tolerate a wide range of water parameters which makes it ideal for beginners.
This plant is widely available in pet shops and they are extremely cheap.
How much light does it require?
Java form is not a very light-demanding plant.
You can keep it under low to moderate lighting conditions.
You should avoid keeping this plant under high lighting conditions because it can result in brown and transparent leaves.
Ideally, you should provide it at least 1.5 to 2 watts per gallon light.
What’s the best place to keep it in the tank aquarium?
Java fern doesn’t grow very fast but it can grow very large up to 13 inches.
So, you can keep it in the middle ground of your aquarium if you have a large aquarium.
Or you can keep it in the background of your aquarium if you have medium to small size aquarium.
Ideal water parameters
The ideal temperature for the growth of Java fern is from 68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 6 to 7.5 and the hardness tolerance range is from 3 to 8.
How to keep it in the aquarium?
Java fern doesn’t require any substrate to survive and grow.
This plan doesn’t come with any roots instead it has rhizomes.
Also, it doesn’t draw any nutrients from the substrate because it is a water column feeder plant.
You can just let it float in the aquarium or you can tie it to any ornament like driftwood and then put it inside your aquarium.
Fertilization requirement
Java fern can do well without any fertilizers.
But for faster growth, you can supplement it with some fertilizers.
You should supplement it with liquid fertilizers because it is a water column feeder plant and it draws nutrients through its leaves.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
4. Anubias
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PLANT | Anubias |
FAMILY | Araceae |
pH | 6.5 – 7.8 |
HARDNESS | 60- 160 ppm |
PLACEMENT | Mid-background |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 11+ Inches |
PROPAGATION | Rhizome Division |
Anubias is one of the popular plants in the aquarium hobby.
It is a very hardy plant which makes it ideal for beginners.
The growth rate of this plant is relatively slow but provided with sufficient nutrients you can speed up its growth.
How much light does it require?
Anubias can survive and grow in almost any lighting condition.
You can keep it in a low lighting condition and you can also keep it in a very highlighting condition.
When you keep it in a low lighting condition its growth will be slow and when you keep it in a very high lighting condition it can cause algae growth on its leaves.
So ideally, you should keep it under moderate light.
What is the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
In small to medium aquarium tanks, you can keep anubias in the background of the tank
Whereas in the large aquarium tanks, you can keep it in the background.
Ideal water parameters
The ideal temperature for the proper growth of anubias is from 72-82 degree Fahrenheit
The pH tolerance range is from 6.5 to 7.8 and the hardness tolerance range is from 3-8 KH
How to keep it in the aquarium?
A substrate is not necessary to keep anubias in the aquarium.
Anubias lacks true roots instead it has rhizomes.
You can tie it to any ornament in your aquarium like driftwood or rock with string and then put it inside your aquarium.
Fertilization requirements
For proper and faster growth you can supplement anubias with some liquid fertilizers.
You should add liquid fertilizers after weekly water change.
You can also supplement it with CO2, though it is not necessary.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
Plants Help to Lower Ammonia in an Aquarium
5. Water lettuce
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PLANT | Water Lettuce |
FAMILY | Araceae |
CARE LEVEL | Moderate |
GROWTH RATE | Moderate |
TEMPERATURE | 70 to 80 °F |
pH | 6.5-7.2 pH |
HARDNESS | Soft to Moderately Hard |
PLACEMENT | Water Surface |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 10 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 10 gallon |
Water lettuce is a thick leaf floating plant.
This plant was first recorded on the Nile River near Victoria lake.
After its Discovery it was it has grown so rapidly that it is now a real threat to native vegetation and fish.
It is also illegal to own and transport in some States.
So if you are going to get this plant for your aquarium, then you should first know the local laws about it.
This plant can be challenging to grow in the aquarium so it is not a very good choice for beginners.
The main problem to grow this plant in the aquarium is humidity. It requires a lot of humidity to grow.
Besides, if you provide it with the ideal environment, it can grow very rapidly.
How much light does it require?
Ideally, you should provide moderate lighting to water lettuce.
Most of the water lettuce sold in the shops is grown under shades so you should slowly introduce it in your aquarium.
What’s the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
Water lettuce is a floating plant so you should let it float on the water surface of your aquarium
Fertilization requirements
Water lettuce doesn’t require any fertilizers for its growth.
Ideal water parameters
The ideal temperature for the growth of water lettuce ranges from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
The ideal temperature range is from 6.5 to 7.2.
And it can tolerate softer moderately hard water.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
6. Green Cabomba
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PLANT | Green Cabomba |
COMMON NAMES | Green Cabomba, Carolina Fanwort, Brazilian Fanwort, Fanwort |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Cabomba caroliniana |
FAMILY | Cabombaceae |
CARE LEVEL | Moderate |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT | Medium to High |
TEMPERATURE | 72 – 82 ℉ |
pH | 6.8 – 7.5 |
PLACEMENT | Background or Floating |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 11 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 10 gallon |
Green Cabomba is becoming more and more popular among the aquarists.
This plant is also known as Carolina fanwort or Brazilian fanwort.
It is a fast-growing stem plant that can grow as tall as 11 inches.
This plant is delicate and a bit tricky to care for so it is not a good choice for beginners.
You should also avoid keeping this plant in your aquarium if you have some rough plant-eaters like Goldfish in the aquarium.
How much light does it require?
Green Cabomba requires moderate to highlight for its proper growth.
You should provide it at least 3 watts of light per gallon.
What’s the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
As Green Cabomba is a tall stem plant, you should keep it in the background of your aquarium.
You can also let it float in the on the surface of the water of your aquarium
Ideal water parameters
The ideal temperature for the proper growth of Green Cabomba is from 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 6.8 to 7.5 and the hardness tolerance range is from 3-8 KH.
How to keep this plant in the aquarium?
Green cabomba can grow without any substrate.
You can just let it float in your aquarium.
Fertilization requirements
You should supplement Green cabomba with some liquid fertilizers for its proper and fast growth.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
Plants help to Increase Oxygen in an Aquarium
7. Anacharis
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PLANT | Anacharis |
FAMILY | Hydrocharitaceae |
TEMPERATURE | 60-82° F |
pH | 6.5-7.5 |
PLACEMENT | Background |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 6 to 8 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 10 gallon |
Anacharis is another popular aquarium plant.
It is a fast-growing stem plant.
This plant is also known as Brazilian Elodea, Brazilian waterweed and Egeria.
It can tolerate a wide range of water parameters and it is very easy to care for which makes it ideal for beginners.
This plant can tolerate low temperatures as low as 60 degrees Fahrenheit so you can keep it in a cold water aquarium.
How much light does it require?
Ideally, you should provide moderate lighting to anacharis.
You should provide at least 2 watts light per gallon.
If it gets low light then it will die and on the other hand, if you provide it strong lighting then it can cause algae growth on this plant.
What’s the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
You can keep it as a background plant or you can just let it float in your aquarium.
Anacharis doesn’t have real roots, so if you want to keep it in the background of your tank then you should tie it to any ornament or driftwood in your aquarium.
Ideal water parameters
As mentioned earlier anacharis can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.
With that being said, the ideal temperature for the proper growth of anacharis is from 60 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The ideal pH range is from 6.5 to 7.5 and the hardness tolerance range is from 3-8 KH.
How to keep it in the aquarium?
Anacharis doesn’t require any substrate to keep it in the aquarium because it doesn’t have real roots.
As mentioned earlier, you can either tie it to any ornament or driftwood if you want to keep it as a background plant.
Or you can just let it float in your aquarium.
Fertilization requirements
If you keep anacharis in a cold water aquarium then you don’t need to add any fertilizers for it.
But if you keep it in a tropical fish aquarium then you should supplement it with some liquid fertilizer for its proper and fast growth.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
8. Duckweed
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PLANT | Duckweed |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Lemnoideae |
FAMILY | Araceae |
TEMPERATURE | 42.8 to 91.4° F |
pH | 5.0 to 9.0 |
WATER HARDNESS | 17 to 180 ppm |
PLACEMENT | Floating |
MAXIMUM SIZE | Each ‘pod’ is 0.8 inches long |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 2 gallons |
Duckweed is low maintenance and easy to care plant which makes it ideal for beginners.
Aquarists have mixed opinions about duckweed.
Some aquarists consider it a rampant pest but if you keep the growth of this plant in control then it actually has some benefits.
For example, it can be a very good water purifier for your aquarium.
But if you let it alone, then it will grow very rapidly and cover all the water surface that can cause decreased in the oxygen level and it will also block light coming into the tank.
How much light does it require?
This plant requires high lighting conditions for its proper growth.
What is the best place to keep it in the aquarium
Duckweed is a floating plant so you should let it float on the surface of the water of your aquarium.
Ideal water parameters
Duckweed can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.
It can tolerate temperature as low as 42.8 degrees Fahrenheit to 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 5 to 9.
How to keep this plant in the aquarium?
As mentioned earlier, Duckweed is a floating plant so you should let it float on the surface of the water of your aquarium.
Fertilization requirement
Duckweed doesn’t really require any fertilizers to survive and grow in the aquarium.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
Plants Help to Lower Temperature in an Aquarium
9. Amazon Frogbit
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PLANT | Amazon Frogbit |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Limnobium laevigatum |
FAMILY | Hydrocharitaceae |
TEMPERATURE | 64 to 84 °F |
pH | 6.0-7.5 pH |
HARDNESS | 200 ppm-240 ppm |
PLACEMENT | Surface |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 20 Inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 10 gallon |
Amazon frogbit is also known as South American sponge plant because of its sponge-like leaves.
This is a fast-growing plant and it is very easy to care for which makes it ideal for beginners.
How much light does it require?
Ideally, you should provide moderate to strong light for the proper growth of Amazon frogbit.
You can use any light whether that’s fluorescent or LED for this plant.
What’s the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
Amazon frogbit is a floating plant so it doesn’t require substrate and you should let it float on the surface of the water of your aquarium
Ideal water parameters
The ideal temperature for the proper growth of Amazon frogbit is from 64 to 84 degree Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 6 to 7.5.
And you can keep it in soft to moderately hard water.
Fertilization requirements
You should regularly supplement it with liquid fertilizers for its proper growth.
You should add these fertilizers after the weekly water change.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
10. Riccia Fluitans
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PLANT | Riccia fluitans |
COMMON NAMES | Floating Crystalwort |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Riccia fluitans |
FAMILY | Ricciaceae |
GROWTH RATE | Moderate |
pH | 6.0-8.0 |
HARDNESS | Moderate soft to very hard water |
PLACEMENT | Surface or foreground |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 1.9 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 10 gallon |
Riccia fluitans becomes popular in the aquarium hobby when the Takashi Amano started using this plant.
If you don’t know who Takashi Amano is, he is a famous Aquarist.
He started using Riccia fluitans in his aquarium by tieing it to driftwood and rocks.
Riccia fluitans is a Moss plant just like Java moss.
This plant is very easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters which makes it ideal for beginners.
You can keep and grow this plant in your aquarium without any substrate.
How much light does it require?
Riccia fluitans require moderate light for its proper growth.
What’s the best place to keep it in the aquarium?
As mentioned earlier you can keep Riccia fluitans in your aquarium without any substrate.
You can just let it float on the surface of the water of your aquarium.
It will grow very rapidly when you keep it floating in your aquarium.
You can also tie it to any ornament like driftwood or rock and then put it inside your aquarium.
But when you keep it that way it will require more light of at least 3 watts per gallon.
You can also use it as a foreground carpet plant in your aquarium.
Ideal water parameters
As mentioned earlier, Riccia fluitans can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.
With that being said, the ideal temperature for the proper growth of this plant is from 56 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 6 to 8.
And it does well in moderately soft to very hard water.
Fertilization requirements
Riccia fluitans can benefit from liquid fertilizers.
So you should supplement it with regular dosing of liquid fertilizers especially after the weekly water change.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
11. Brazilian Pennywort
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PLANT | Brazilian Pennywort |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Hydrocotyle leucocephala |
TEMPERATURE | 68 – 82°F |
pH | 6.0 – 7.8 |
PLACEMENT | Floating or Foreground |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 8 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 10 gallon |
Brazilian pennywort is a fast-growing aquarium plant.
This plant is very easy to maintain and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters which makes it ideal for beginners.
How much light does it require?
Brazilian pennywort requires moderate to strong light for its proper and fast growth.
This plant can grow as fast as 2 inches for week when you provide it with ideal lighting conditions.
How to keep it in the aquarium?
You can just let Brazilian pennywort float in your aquarium or you can tie it to any ornament like driftwood or rock and then put it inside your aquarium.
Ideal water parameters
The ideal temperature for the proper growth of Brazilian pennywort is from 68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 6 to 7.8.
Fertilization requirements
Brazilian pennywort requires a good amount of nutrients for its proper growth.
So you should supplement it with some liquid fertilizers regularly especially after water change.
If possible you should also supplement it with additional carbon dioxide.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
12. Rotala Indica
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PLANT | Rotala Indica |
COMMON NAMES | Indian toothcup |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Rotala Indica |
FAMILY | Lythraceae |
CARE LEVEL | Moderate |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT | Moderate to High |
GROWTH RATE | Moderate to fast |
TEMPERATURE | 72-82° F |
pH | 6.5-7.5 |
PLACEMENT | Background |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 2 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 5 gallon |
Rotala Indica is one of the well-known plants in the aquarium hobby.
This plant is fragile so it is not a very good choice for beginners.
You should also avoid keeping this plant in your aquarium if you have aggressive fish that can damage plants.
How much light does it require?
Rotala Indica requires high lighting conditions for its proper growth.
You should provide it at least 3 to 5 watts per gallon light.
Ideal water parameters
The ideal temperature for the proper growth Rotala Indica is from 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance ranges from 6.5 to 7.5 and the hardness tolerance range is from 3-8 KH.
How to keep it in the aquarium?
Rotala Indica can get nutrients through its leaves so you can keep it in an aquarium that doesn’t have any substrate.
You can just let it float in your aquarium.
Fertilization requirements
Rotala Indica does require sufficient nutrients for its proper growth.
So you should supplement it with fertilizers rich in trace elements, iron, and potassium.
You can also supplement it with additional CO2 which will help to get its red coloration.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
13. Ludwigia Repens
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PLANT | Ludwigia Repens |
COMMON NAMES | Ludwigia repens, Ludwigia repens Rubin, Red repens, Ludwigia sp. Weinrot, Red-Leaf Ludwigia, Creeping Primrose-Willow |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | Ludwigia repens |
FAMILY | Onagraceae |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT | Low to very high |
GROWTH RATE | Moderate to Fast |
TEMPERATURE | 60- 86oF |
pH | 5 - 8 |
HARDNESS | Very soft to hard level |
PLACEMENT | Background |
MAXIMUM SIZE | 7-19 inches |
MINIMUM TANK SIZE | 10 gallon |
Ludwigia repens is a tall stem plant that can grow as tall as 19 inches.
This plant is very easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters which makes it ideal for beginners.
It can tolerate water temperature as low as 60 degrees Fahrenheit so you can keep it in a cold water aquarium.
This plant is very popular in aquascaping because of its color variety.
The leaves of this plant come in green and red color.
How much light does it require?
Ludwigia repens can do well in almost any lighting condition.
It can survive in low light and it can tolerate very high light condition.
You should provide it light between two 2-4 Watts per gallon.
How to keep this plant in the aquarium?
You can plant Ludwigia repens in any substrate.
You can also keep it in the aquarium which doesn’t have any substrate by just letting it float in your aquarium.
Fertilization requirements
Generally, Ludwigia repens is not a very demanding plant.
But if you are going to keep it floating in your aquarium then you should supplement it with some liquid fertilizers.
You can also supplement it with additional CO2 to get its red coloration.
Ideal water parameters
As mentioned earlier, ludwigia repens can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.
That being said, the ideal temperature for the proper growth of ludwigia repens is from 60 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH tolerance range is from 5 to 8.
And you can keep this plant in very soft to very hard water.
Check the latest price of this plant at Amazon here
Do I need a substrate for my aquarium plants?
It is not necessary to have substrate in your aquarium to keep live plants.
For most of the aquatic plants, you will require a substrate whether that is sand, gravel or soil so that you can anchor its roots into the substrate.
On the other hand, there are some plants that don’t require any substrate to keep them in an aquarium.
You can attach these plants to any ornament like driftwood or rock and then put it inside your aquarium.
Examples of this kind of plants are Java moss and riccia fluitans.
There are also floating aquarium plants that don’t require any substrate to keep them in your aquarium.
You can just let it float in your aquarium.
Examples of this kind of plants are duckweed and Amazon frogbit.
You can also keep some plants that are usually anchored in substrates without substrate in your aquarium.
You can just let it float in your aquarium and they will do fine.
These plants are able to get nutrients from their roots and from their leaves.
So, if you supplement these plants with some liquid fertilizers then you can easily keep them floating in your bare bottom aquarium.
Examples of this kind of plants are ludwigia repens and rotala Indica.
Can aquarium plants grow without soil?
Yes, aquarium plants can grow without soil.
Some aquarium plants can grow in sand or in gravel.
Also, there are some aquarium plants that don’t require any substrate at all.
Usually these plants are floating plants.
What aquarium plants can grow in sand?
There are a lot of plants that can grow in sand.
Some examples include Java fern, Amazon sword jungle vallisneria ludwigia repens Italian vallisneria giant hygro.
I have written a detailed blog post on this topic here.
20 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Aquarium
So these are the best plants that can grow without substrate.
I hope you found this article helpful.
If you do, please share it.
If you have any doubts let me know in the comments below.
Also, let me know if you have any other plant suggestions in the comments below.