Are Oscar Fish Good Pets? (Are They Friendly?)

Oscar Fish is one of the most popular freshwater tropical fish in the aquarium hobby. This fish is known for its aggression, beautiful colors and patterns, intelligence and its behavior. But are Oscar Fish good pets? Keeping Oscar Fish in the tank is not very …

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What Do Angelfish Eat? (Best food for faster growth)

What do angelfish eat? This is the question most beginners have when they are planning to keep Angelfish in their aquarium. And in this article, I am going to answer the same question. So let’s get started. Angelfish can eat cichlids flake and protein-rich pellets. …

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Are Angelfish Hardy? Easy to keep???

Angelfish are one of the best aquarium fish. They look amazing. But, at the same time, they look very delicate. So, are there really delicate? Or they are hardy? This is what you are going to find out in this article. Angelfish a relatively hardy. …

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How Long Do Angelfish Live For?

Angelfish is one of the best freshwater fish in my aquarium. And now it’s been 3 years I am keeping it in my aquarium. They are fully grown-up fish about 6 inches long. Yesterday, I was feeding them, enjoying their beauty and wondering how long …

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